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Cultivar: Assamica hybrid

Altitude: 1200m

Harvest: Spring

Grade: First class, Superior – SFTGFOP 1

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  • India, Upper Assam region, Langharjan Tea Estate

    In the far north east corner of India lies Assam and it's plantations scattered along the Brahmaputra River which starts in Tibet. The river valley receives more rainfall per annum than any other location on earth. Teas from here are known for their depth of flavour, heavy & malty body. Historically, Assam teas were considered in the west for milk teas or as a base tea for English tea blends, but there are some 1st flushes which are full of flavour and are totally wonderful to enjoy plan as they come.

  • 2 g.

  • 250 ml

  • 96 C

  • 1-2 min.

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  • Ambience

    DRY LEAF: Small leaf of dark-burgundy colour with lots of golden tips, releasing a fragrance of tulips, dark chocolate and grains.
    INFUSED LEAF: Deep red-brown sleek leaves with an aroma of malt, fruit and cocoa.
    LIQUOR: The cup is of deep crimson-like almost like a wine colour. Aroma of lime zest and caramel rising from the cup. The taste is sweet, round and silky in the mouth with a notes of ground cherries, forest honey & almonds, followed by cocoa and burnt toast. Aftertaste has pleasant lime astringency, no acidity and hints of cinnamon spice.

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"Litlle Poetry" by JD

"Robust, bold and intense, someone may describe him as that,
while he is a man of medium build, burgundy skin and
a touch of lightly twisted honey-golden hair.
When he walks through the village towards the malty river,
he feels warm in his heart. He sits on the shore as any other day,
watching the river fly by. It feels as he has all the time under his command.
A spicy and fruity fragrance is being carried from the nearby trees.
Oh, the sweet cherry & lemon and cinnamon
trees melting together with the earthiness of Dihang river & his enriched,
balanced soul.
He inhales it all with his huge nostrils... its a bliss...
as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow."