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  • Loose Leaf Aged Tea "Sun-Dried Purple Buds Wild Pu Er - 2018 pick"
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Cultivar: Ye Sheng “Wild Tree Camellia sinensis var. dehungensis

Altitude: 920m

Harvest: Spring 2018

Grade: Magnificent, Exquisite

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  • China, Yunnan, Dehong

    This tea is absolutely magnificent. It comes from the "ye sheng" varietal of camellia tea trees which grow wild in tropical Dehong. The process of this tea is about 2 hours wither then pan firing and then sun drying, which makes things slighlty confusing, but no worries not everything needs to be categorised! :) It could be a white tea with extra pan firing or it could be Maocha (the first step of making Sheng or Shu Pu Erh) without the rolling. I suppose I will add it to my white teas selection, just because it has not been fermented for 10 hours on a pile :P These beautiful purple sun-dried buds are in a very limited supply and are in high demand among Pu Erh tea connoisseurs due to their richness and complexity.

  • 4 g.

  • 250 ml

  • 85 C

  • 2-3 min.

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  • Ambience

    Leaf: Beautiful medium-sized purple-yellow and green buds, resembling the appearance of a dragon tail, giving off the fragrance of passion fruit, fennel and black pepper.
    Infused leaf: Infused buds are of reddish-green colour with intense notes of apricot, hay and parsley.
    Liquor: The cup has a vibrant apricot colour. The mouth-feel is complex, rich and creamy, offering a fresh aroma of apricots, black pepper and clove. The liquid is juicy and smooth with sweet-sour notes of mangoes, lychee fruits and spice and hints of herbs and smoke. Velvety, deep and robust after-taste with a beautiful, sweet floral bouquet lingers persistently on the palate. There is no acidity in the cup and no astringency.

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"Litlle Poetry" by JD

Waiting for inspiration